Constantin, A., Korte, J., Wilson, C., Alexandru, C. A., Good, J., Sim, G., .Read, J.C., Fails, J. A. & Eriksson, E. (2020, June). Planning the world’s most inclusive PD project. In Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference: Extended Abstracts (pp. 118-125).
Densmore, M., Fiesler, C., Munteanu, C., Muller, M., Read, J. C., Shilton, K., & Subaşı, Ö. (2020, October). Research Ethics Roundtable. In Conference Companion Publication of the 2020 on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (pp. 195-198).
Fitton, D., Cheverst, K., & Read, J. C. (2020, July). Yayy! You Have a New Notification: Co-designing Multi-device Locative Media Experiences with Young People. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 217-233). Springer, Cham.
Giannakos, M. N., Horn, M. S., Read, J. C., & Markopoulos, P. (2020). Movement forward: The continued growth of Child-Computer Interaction research.
Giannakos, M., Papamitsiou, Z., Markopoulos, P., Read, J.C., & Hourcade, J. P. (2020). Mapping child–computer interaction research through co-word analysis. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 100165.
Horton, M., Read, J. C., & Willitts, C. (2020, July). InCuDe: Heuristics for Enhancing Spectator Experience in Streamed Games. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 97-116). Springer, Cham.
Lamichhane, D., & Read, J. C. (2020, April). Make Me Messenger: Critiquing Children as Design Informants. In International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies (pp. 225-231). Springer, Cham.
Lamichhane, D. R., & Read, J. C. (2020, July). Play It My Way: Participatory Mobile Game Design with Children in Rural Nepal. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 325-336). Springer, Cham.
Metatla, O., Read, J. C., & Horton, M. (2020, June). Enabling children to design for others with expanded proxy design. In Proceedings of the Interaction Design and Children Conference (pp. 184-197).
Parsonage, G., Horton, M., & Read, J. C. (2020, June). Designing experiments for children and robots. In Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference: Extended Abstracts (pp. 169-174).
Van Mechelen, M., Gilutz, S., Hourcade, J. P., Baykal, G. E., Gielen, M., Eriksson, E., Walsh, G., Read, J.C. & Iversen, O. S. (2020, June). Teaching the next generation of child-computer interaction researchers and designers. In Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference: Extended Abstracts (pp. 69-76).
Antle, A. N., Hourcade, J. P., Fails, J. A., Garzotto, F., Giannakos, M., Markopoulos, P., … & Read, J. C. (2019). Designing for uprooted children: issues, challenges, and opportunities. interactions, 26(6), 76-79.
Cassidy, B., Read, J. C., & MacKenzie, I. S. (2019, May). An Evaluation of Radar Metaphors for Providing Directional Stimuli Using Non-Verbal Sound. In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-8).
Cassidy, B., Read, J. C., & MacKenzie, I. S. (2019, September). Fittsfarm: Comparing children’s drag-and-drop performance using finger and stylus input on tablets. In IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 656-668). Springer, Cham.
Doumanis, I., Economou, D., Sim, G. R., & Porter, S. (2019). The impact of multimodal collaborative virtual environments on learning: A gamified online debate. Computers & Education, 130, 121-138.
Fitton, D., & Read, J. C. (2019, June). Creating a Framework to Support the Critical Consideration of Dark Design Aspects in Free-to-Play Apps. In Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (pp. 407-418).
Frauenberger, C., Landoni, M., Fails, J. A., Read, J. C., Antle, A. N., & Gourlet, P. (2019, June). Broadening the Discussion of Ethics in the Interaction Design and Children Community. In Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (pp. 3-7).
Horton, M., Sim, G., Zaman, B., & Slegers, K. (2019, June). Evaluating Long Term User Experience with Children: Comparing the MemoLine with Interviews. In Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (pp. 51-57).
Hourcade, J. P., Antle, A. N., Giannakos, M., Fails, J. A., Read, J. C., Markopoulos, P., … & Palumbos, A. (2019, May). Child-computer interaction SIG: designing for refugee children. In Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-4).
Latipova, A., Gasenko, A., & Sim, G. (2019, October). On ‘Artificial Intelligence-User Interface’Approach. In 2019 International Multi-Conference on Engineering, Computer and Information Sciences (SIBIRCON) (pp. 0446-0451). IEEE.
Read, J. C., Fitton, D., Sim, G., Bjorklund, M., Giannakos, M., Clarke, S., … & Perry, S. (2019, June). IDC Methods into Industry and Innovation. In Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (pp. 676-680).
Sim, G., Shrivastava, A., Horton, M., Agarwal, S., Haasini, P. S., Kondeti, C. S., & McKnight, L. (2019, September). Child-Generated Personas to Aid Design Across Cultures. In IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 112-131). Springer, Cham.
Catala, A., Sylla, C., Theune, M., Brooks, E., & Read, J. C. (2018, June). Rethinking children’s co-creation processes beyond the design of TUIs. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Interaction Design and Children (pp. 733-740).
Dempsey, J., Sim, G., & Cassidy, B. (2018). Designing for GDPR-Investigating Children’s Understanding of Privacy: A Survey Approach.
Fitton, D., Read, J. C., Sim, G., & Cassidy, B. (2018, June). Co-designing voice user interfaces with teenagers in the context of smart homes. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Interaction Design and Children (pp. 55-66).
Frauenberger, C., Antle, A. N., Landoni, M., Read, J. C., & Fails, J. A. (2018, June). Ethics in interaction design and children: A panel and community dialogue. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Interaction Design and Children (pp. 748-752).
King, D., Horton, M., & Lamichhane, D. R. (2018, July). Evaluating the usability of the leap motion controller. In Proceedings of the 32nd International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference 32 (pp. 1-5).
Lamichhane, D. R., Read, J. C., & Fitton, D. (2018, July). Beneath the Himalayas—Exploring Design for Cultural Evenness with Nepalese Children. In Proceedings of the 32nd International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference 32 (pp. 1-5).
Read, J. C. (2018, March). It’s Cool but What Else can I Do?. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction and User Experience in Indonesia, CHIuXiD’18 (pp. 105-108).
Read, J. C. (2018, March). What I talk about when I talk about Child Computer Interaction. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction and User Experience in Indonesia, CHIuXiD’18 (pp. 113-117).
Read, J. C., Sharma, S., & Parsonage, G. (2018, March). Childlike Computing: Systems that think like Humans and act like Children. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction and User Experience in Indonesia, CHIuXiD’18 (pp. 109-112).
Read, J. C., Horton, M., Clarke, S., Jones, R., Fitton, D., & Sim, G. (2018, June). Designing for the’at home’experience of parents and children with tablet games. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Interaction Design and Children (pp. 441-448).
Read, J. C. (2018, June). Doing research with children: a child computer interaction perspective. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Interaction Design and Children (pp. 745-747).
Sharma, S., Niculescu, A. I., Eden, G., Sim, G., Toprani, D., Thankachan, B., Read, J.C., Tutrunen, M. & Kallioniemi, P. (2018). Engaging different worlds, one field trip at a time. interactions, 25(3), 46-51.
Sim, G., Cassidy, B., & Read, J. C. (2018). Crowdsourcing ideas for augmented reality museum experiences with children. In Museum Experience Design (pp. 75-93). Springer, Cham.
Gavin, S., Zaman, B., & Horton, M. (2017, July). A Method Impact Assessment Framework for User Experience Evaluations with Children. In British Human Computer Interaction Conference. BCS Learning and Development.
Cheverst, K., Turner, H., Do, T., & Fitton, D. (2017). Supporting the consumption and co-authoring of locative media experiences for a rural village community: design and field trial evaluation of the SHARC2. 0 framework. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 76(4), 5243-5274.
Read, J. C., Horton, M., Fitton, D., & Sim, G. (2017, September). Empowered and Informed: Participation of Children in HCI. In IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 431-446). Springer, Cham.
Sharma, S., Linna, J., Thankachan, B., Turunen, M., Väätäjä, H., Kallioniemi, P., … & Sim, G. (2017, September). Parental Perspectives Towards Education Technology in Low-Income Urban Households. In IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 501-503). Springer, Cham.
Lamichhane, D. R., & Read, J. C. (2017, June). Investigating Children’s Passwords using a Game-based Survey. In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Interaction Design and Children (pp. 617-622). ACM.
Onyinyechukwu, N. C., Fitton, D. B., & Read, J. C. (2017). Exploring Enforced Collaborative Agreement in Gaming with Young People.
Read, J. C., Clarke, S., Fitton, D. B., Jones, R., & Sim, G. R. (2017). Touching Base on Children’s Interactions with Tablet Games.
Balta, A., & Read, J. C. (2016). U ok?: Txt me the Colour of ur Mood!. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 2410-2416). ACM.
Cheverst, K., Turner, H., Do, T., & Fitton, D. (2016). Supporting the consumption and co-authoring of locative media experiences for a rural village community: design and field trial evaluation of the SHARC2. 0 framework. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-32.
Fitton, D., Bell, B. T., Little, L., Horton, M., Read, J. C., Rouse, M., & Toth, N. (2016). Working with Teenagers in HCI Research: A Reflection on Techniques Used in the Taking on the Teenagers Project. In Perspectives on HCI Research with Teenagers (pp. 237-267). Springer International Publishing.
Fitton, D., & Read, J. C. (2016). Primed Design Activities: Scaffolding Young Designers During Ideation. In Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (p. 50). ACM.
Hirskyj-Douglas, I., Read, J. C., & Cassidy, B. C. (2016). A dog centred approach to the analysis of dogs’ interactions with media on TV screens. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.
Landoni, M., Rubegni, E., Nicol, E., & Read, J. (2016). How Many Roles Can Children Play?. In Proceedings of the The 15th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (pp. 720-725). ACM.
Mann, A. M., Hinrichs, U., Read, J. C., & Quigley, A. J. (2016). Facilitator, functionary, friend or foe? Studying the role of iPads within learning activities across a school year. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’16). ACM Press-Association for Computing Machinery.
Read, J. C., Jones, M., & Horton, M. (2016, May). Being heroically lost, being heroically found. In Proceedings of the SEACHI 2016 on Smart Cities for Better Living with HCI and UX (pp. 42-45). ACM.
Read, J. C., & Horton, M. (2016). Future Directions for Quality TeenCI Research. In Perspectives on HCI Research with Teenagers (pp. 269-278). Springer International Publishing.
Sim, G., Nouwen, M., Vissers, J., Horton, M., Slegers, K., & Zaman, B. (2016). Using the Memoline to capture changes in user experience over time with children. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction.
Sim, G., Horton, M., & McKnight, L. (2016). iPad vs Paper Prototypes: Does Form Factor Affect Children’s Ratings of a Game Concept?. In Proceedings of the The 15th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (pp. 190-195). ACM.
Sim, G., Horton, M., & Read, J. C. (2016). Sensitizing: Helping Children Design Serious Games for a Surrogate Population. In Serious Games, Interaction, and Simulation (pp. 58-65). Springer International Publishing.
Sim, G., Read, J. C., & Horton, M. (2016). Practical and Ethical Concerns in Usability Testing with Children. Games User Research: A Case Study Approach, 1.
Cassidy, B., Sim, G., Horton, M., & Fitton, D. (2015). Participatory design of wearable augmented reality display elements for children at play. In Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference (CEEC), 2015 7th (pp. 53-58). IEEE.
Cheverst, K., Do, T. V., & Fitton, D. (2015). Supporting the mobile in-situ authoring of locative media in rural places: design and expert evaluation of the SMAT app. International Journal of Handheld Computing Research (IJHCR), 6(1), 1-19.
Fitton, D., Read, J. C., & Dempsey, J. (2015). Exploring children’s designs for maker technologies. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (pp. 379-382). ACM.
Heikkinen, K., Kallonen, T., Paananen, P., Porras, J., Purves, R., Read, J. C., … & Welch, G. (2015). Designing Mobile Applications for Children. User Requirements for Wireless, 42, 7.
Marshall, K., Wood, G., Read, J. C., Yarosh, S. L., Balaam, M., & Lee, J. J. (2015). Supporting Children to Engage in Play for Wellbeing. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 2445-2448). ACM.
Read, J. C., & Gilutz, S. (2015). Research Methods for Child Computer Interaction. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 2469-2470). ACM.
Read, J. (2015). Children as participants in design and evaluation. interactions,22(2), 64-66.
Sim, G., & Read, J. C. (2015). Using computer‐assisted assessment heuristics for usability evaluations. British Journal of Educational Technology.
Sim, G., Read, J. C., Gregory, P., & Xu, D. (2015). From England to Uganda: children designing and evaluating serious games. Human–Computer Interaction, 30(3-4), 263-293.
Balta, A., & Read, J. C. (2014). Colour Preference in Teenage Boys’ Bedrooms. In Proceedings of the 28th International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference on HCI 2014-Sand, Sea and Sky-Holiday HCI(pp. 270-275). BCS.
Danino, N., & Sim, G. (2014). TReACLE: a framework for TwitteR Analysis in a SoCial and Learning Environment. In Proceedings of the 28th International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference on HCI 2014-Sand, Sea and Sky-Holiday HCI (pp. 293-298). BCS.
Druin, A., Blikstein, P., Fleer, M., Read, J. C., Thomsen, B. S., Johnson, B. D., & Resnick, M. (2014). How can interaction with digital creative tools support child development?:(closing panel). In Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Interaction design and children (pp. 361-361). ACM.
Fitton, D., & Bell, B. (2014). Working with Teenagers within HCI Research: Understanding Teen-Computer Interaction. In Proceedings of the 28th International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference on HCI 2014-Sand, Sea and Sky-Holiday HCI (pp. 201-206). BCS.
Fitton, D., Bell, B., Read, J. C., Iversen, O., Little, L., & Horton, M. (2014). Understanding teen UX: building a bridge to the future. In CHI’14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 79-82). ACM.
Fitton, D. B., Horton, M., & Read, J. C. (2014). Scaffolding design sessions with teenagers: the PDA approach. In CHI’14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1183-1188). ACM.
Read, J. C., & Sim, G. (2014). Taking the Biscuit: Playful Interaction. In Proceedings of the 28th International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference on HCI 2014-Sand, Sea and Sky-Holiday HCI (pp. 371-375). BCS.
Read, J. C., Fitton, D., & Horton, M. (2014). Giving ideas an equal chance: inclusion and representation in participatory design with children. In Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Interaction design and children (pp. 105-114). ACM.
Read, J. C., Hourcade, J. P., Markopoulos, P., & Iversen, O. S. (2014). Child Computer Interaction SIG: towards sustainable thinking and being. In Proceedings of the extended abstracts of the 32nd annual ACM conference on Human factors in computing systems (pp. 1135-1138). ACM.
Read, J. C., & Markopoulos, P. (2014). Evaluating children’s interactive products. In Proceedings of the extended abstracts of the 32nd annual ACM conference on Human factors in computing systems (pp. 1043-1044). ACM.
Read, J. C., Hourcade, J. P., Markopoulos, P., & Iversen, O. S. (2014). Child computer interaction SIG: towards sustainable thinking and being. In Proceedings of the extended abstracts of the 32nd annual ACM conference on Human factors in computing systems (pp. 1135-1138). ACM.
Salian, K., & Sim, G. (2014). Simplifying Heuristic Evaluation for Older Children. In Proceedings of the India HCI 2014 Conference on Human Computer Interaction (p. 26). ACM.
Van Mechelen, M., Sim, G., Zaman, B., Gregory, P., Slegers, K., & Horton, M. (2014). Applying the CHECk tool to Participatory Design Sessions with Children. Proceedings of the short papers IDC 2014.
Winterburn, N., Gregory, P., & Fitton, D. (2014). Designing Teenage Emotions with a Life of Their Own. In Proceedings of the 28th International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference on HCI 2014-Sand, Sea and Sky-Holiday HCI (pp. 161-170). BCS.
Wodike, O. A., Sim, G., & Horton, M. (2014). Empowering Teenagers to Perform a Heuristic Evaluation of a Game. In Proceedings of the 28th International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference on HCI 2014-Sand, Sea and Sky-Holiday HCI (pp. 353-358). BCS.
McKnight, L. (2013). Apps that make things, not apps that do things: appropriation and assistive learning technologies. In Proceedings of the 27th International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference (p. 51). British Computer Society.
Little, L., Bell, B., Defeyter, G., Read, J. C., Fitton, D., & Horton, M. (2013). Behaviour change interventions: teenagers, technology and design. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (pp. 610-612). ACM.
Sim, G., Cassidy, B., & Read, J. C. (2013). Understanding the fidelity effect when evaluating games with children. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (pp. 193-200). ACM.
McNaney, R., Balaam, M., Marshall, K., Durrant, A., Read, J., Good, J., … & Abowd, G. (2013). Designing for and with children with special needs in multiple settings. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (pp. 603-605). ACM.
Fitton, D., Read, J. C., & Horton, M. (2013). The challenge of working with teens as participants in interaction design. In CHI’13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 205-210). ACM.
Read, J. C., Horton, M., Iversen, O., Fitton, D., & Little, L. (2013). Methods of working with teenagers in interaction design. In CHI’13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 3243-3246). ACM.
Bell, B. T., Toth, N., Read, J. C., Horton, M., Fitton, D., Little, L., … & Guo, Y. (2013). Teenagers talking about technologies: designing technology to reduce teen energy use. In CHI’13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1491-1496). ACM.
Cassidy, B., Antani, D. S., & Read, J. C. (2013). Using an open card sort with children to categorize games in a mobile phone application store. InProceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 2287-2290). ACM.
Read, J. C., Horton, M., Sim, G., Gregory, P., Fitton, D., & Cassidy, B. (2013). CHECk: a tool to inform and encourage ethical practice in participatory design with children. In CHI’13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 187-192). ACM.
Obikwelu, C., Read, J., & Sim, G. (2013). Children’s Problem-Solving in Serious Games: The “Fine-Tuning System (FTS)” Elaborated. Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 11(1).
Read, J.C., Fitton, D. and Horton, M. (2013) Theatre, PlayDoh and Comic Strips: Designing Organic User Interfaces with Teenage Participants. Interacting with Computers, 25(2), 183-198.
Toth, N., Little, l., Read, J.C., Fitton, D., Horton, M., & Guo, Y. (2013). Understanding teen attitudes towards energy consumption, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 34, 36-44, ISSN 0272-4944, 10.1016/j.jenvp.2012.12.001.
Horton, M., Read, J.C., Fitton, D., Little, L., Toth, N. (2012) Too Cool at School – Understanding Cool Teenagers. PsychNology Journal, 10(2), 73–91
Fitton, D., Read, J. C., Horton, M., Little, L., Toth, N. & Guo, Y. (2012). Constructing the Cool Wall: A Tool to Explore Teen Meanings of Cool. PsychNology Journal, 10(2), 141–162
Read, J.C., Horton, M., Fitton, D., Beale, R., Jones, M., Luckin, R., Little, L. (2012) Teenagers as Researchers: The Ethics of Participation, Contribution and Attribution. Designing Interactive Technology for Teens Workshop. In: NordiCHI 2012: 14-17 October 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Horton, M., Read, J.C., Fitton, D. (2012) The ChiCI Persona Set. Designing Interactive Technology for Teens Workshop. In: NordiCHI 2012: 14-17 October 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Horton, M. & Read, J.C. (2012) Parents and children having and using technology: what should we ask?. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC ’12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 252-255
Read, J.C., Fitton, D., Horton, M., Little, L. (2012) Cool aX Continents, Cultures and Communities, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2012), 5-10 May 2012, Austin, Texas
Fitton, D., Horton, M., Read, J.C., Little, L., Toth, N. (2012) Climbing the Cool Wall: Exploring Teenage Preferences of Cool, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2012), 5-10 May 2012, Austin, Texas
Horton, M., Read, J.C., Mazzone, E., Sim, G., Fitton, D. (2012) School Friendly Participatory Research Activities with Children, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2012), 5-10 May 2012, Austin, Texas
Toth, N., Little, L., Read, J.C., Guo, Y., Fitton, D., Horton, M. (2012) Teenagers talking about energy: using narrative methods to inform design, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2012), 5-10 May 2012, Austin, Texas
Sim, G. & Horton, M. (2012) Investigating children’s opinions of games: Fun Toolkit vs. This or That. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC ’12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 70-77
Fitton, D., Horton, M., Guo, Y. and Read, J.C. (2011) Turning Up the Heat on Energy Monitoring in the Home. 1st International Conference on Revisiting the Socio-Political and Technological Dimensions of Climate Change, 97-106, Preston, UK.
Horton, M., Read, J.C. and Sim, G. (2011) Making Your Mind Up? The Reliability of Children’s Survey Responses. In Proceedings of BCS-HCI 2011, Northumbria, UK.
Mazzone, E., Tikkanen, R., Read, J.C., Iivari, N., and Beale, R. “Integrating Children’s Contributions in the Interaction Design Process”. International Journal of art and Technology. (In Press)
Mazzone, E., Read, J.C., and Beale, R. (2011) Towards a Framework of Co-Design Sessions with Children. Proc. of Interact 2011, Springer.
Mazzone, E., Read, J.C., and Beale, R. (2011) Organising Co-Design Sessions with Schoolchildren. Proceedings of Workshop on “Opportunities and Challenges when Designing and Developing with Kids @ School” held at IDC 2011 Conference.
McKnight, L. (2011) Designing for Children with ADHD: The Search for Guidelines for Non-Experts. User Experience, Volume 10, Issue 1. UPA.
McKnight, L. and Read, J.C. (2011) PLU-E: A Proposed Framework for Planning and Conducting Evaluation Studies with Children. InProceedings of BCS-HCI 2011, Northumbria, UK.
Read, J.C., Fitton, D., Cowan, B., Beale, R., Guo, Y. and Horton, M. 2011. Understanding and designing cool technologies for teenagers. In Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems (CHI EA ’11). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1567-1572.
Read, J.C. (2011) MESS Days: Working with Children to Design and Deliver Worthwhile Mobile Experiences. User Experience, Volume 10, Issue 1. UPA.
Read, J.C. and Bekker, M.M. (2011) The Nature of Child Computer Interaction. In Proceedings of BCS-HCI 2011, Northumbria, UK.
Read, J.C., Fitton, D. and Horton, M. (2011) Technology that Talks to Teenagers. 1st International Conference on Revisiting the Socio-Political and Technological Dimensions of Climate Change, 86-96, Preston, UK.
Blanco, J.M., Landry, P., C., Mealla. Sebástian, Mazzone, E., and Parés, N. (2010) “PIPLEX: tangible experience in an augmented reality video game”. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, 274-277.
Gregory, P; Whittaker K.; Binns, D and Taylor, K. (2010) “Aping Around: Investigating the Social and Ethical Implications of an Interactive Family DVD” Proceedings of ETHICOMP Conference, April 14-16 2010, Tarragona, Spain.
Kano, A., Horton, M. and Read, J.C. (2010). Thumbs-up scale and frequency of use scale for use in self reporting of children’s computer experience. In Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Extending Boundaries (NordiCHI ’10). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 699-702. DOI=10.1145/1868914.1869008
Manches, A., Horton, M. and Yarosh, S. (2010) Children’s role in mobile interaction design: review and reflection. International Journal of Mobile HCI, 2 (2). IGI-Global.
Mazzone, E., Iivari, N., Tikkanen, R., Read, J.C. and Beale, R. (2010) Considering context, content, management, and engagement in design activities with children. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC ’10). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 108-117. DOI=10.1145/1810543.1810556
McKnight, L. (2010) Collaborative Design in Second Life: Helping or Hindering the Creative Process? HCIEd, Abertay.
McKnight, L. and Cassidy, B. (2010) Children’s Interaction with Mobile Touch-Screen Devices: Experiences and Guidelines for Design. International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction, 2 (2). IGI-Global.
McKnight, L. and Fitton, D. (2010) Touch-screen Technology for Children: Giving the Right Instructions and Getting the Right Responses. In Proceedings of IDC 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
Read, J.C., Fitton, D. and Mazzone, E. (2010) Using obstructed theatre with child designers to convey requirements. In Proceedings of the 28th of the international conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems (CHI EA ’10). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 4063-4068. DOI=10.1145/1753846.1754103
Sanchez-Busques, S., Sim, G. & Read, J.C. (2010) Designing a mobile application for teenagers to instruct in science careers. ADIS International Conference Mobile Learning 2010, Porto.
Sim, G, Danino, N. & Horton, M. (2010) Interaction Design: What is it all about? HCIEd, Abertay
Sim, G. & Read, J.C. (2010) The Damage Index: An aggregation tool for usability problem prioritisation. 24th British HCI Conference, Abertay.
Fredrikson, M., Welch, G., Porras, J., Paananen, P., Read, J., Stadler Elmer, S., Heikkinen, K., Myllykoski, M., Hedberg, H., Iivari, N. & Mazzone, E. (2009): Music as an Enabler for Social Inclusion and Provision – The UMSIC approach. In P. L. Emiliani, L. Burzagli, A. Como, F. Gabbani & A-L. Salminen (Eds.) Assistive Technology from Adapted Equipment to Inclusive Environments, IOS Press, Amsterdam. Pp. 622-627.
Kano, A. and J. C. Read (2009). Text Input Error Categorisation: Solving Character Level Insertion Ambiguities Using Zero Time Analysis. BCS HCI 2009. Cambridge, UK, ACM Press.
Kano, A. and Read, J.C. (2009). Causes of Simultaneous Keystrokes in Children and Adults. In Proceedings of the 12th IFIP TC 13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Part I (INTERACT ’09), Tom Gross, Jan Gulliksen, Paula Kotzé, Lars Oestreicher, Philippe Palanque, Raquel Oliveira Prates, and Marco Winckler (Eds.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 137-140. DOI=10.1007/978-3-642-03655-2_16
Marco, J., Cerezo, E., Baldasarri, S., Mazzone, E., and Read, J. C. 2009. User-oriented design and tangible interaction for kindergarten children. In Proceedings of the 8th international Conference on interaction Design and Children (Como, Italy, June 03 – 05, 2009). IDC ’09. ACM, New York, NY, 190-193.
McKnight, L. and J. C. Read (2009). Designing the ‘record’ button: Using children’s understanding of icons to inform the design of a musical interface. IDC’09. Como, Italy, ACM Press.
Read, J. C. (2009). Warp Speed Design: a rapid design method for use with children. CHI2009. Boston, MA, ACM Press.
Read, J. C. (2009). “Designing Mobile Phones for Children – Is there a difference?” International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction 1(2).
Read, J.C., Horton, M., Sim, G. & Mazzone, E. (2009) “CRaSh-ing into HCI” In P. Kotze et al. (Ed.) Creativity and HCI: From Experience to Design in Education. (pp 218-227). New York: Springer.
Read, J.C., Sim, G., Fligkos, G., McManus, B. (2009) “Bringing HCI Students into the Academic Playground.” HCIEd, Abertay.
Sim, G., Read, J.C. & Cockton, G. (2009) “Evidence based design of heuristics for Computer Assisted Assessment” 12th IFIP TC13 Conference in Human-Computer Interaction, 204-216, Uppsala.
Xu, Y.F., Read, J.C., Sim, G. McManus, B. (2009) “Experience it, Draw it, rate it : Capture Children’s Experiences with their drawings. ” 8th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children. Como, Italy: ACM Press.
Xu, Y.F., Read, J.C., Sim, G., McManus, B. & Qualter, P. (2009) “Children and ‘Smart’ Technologies: Can Children’s Experiences be Interpreted and Coded?” 23rd BCS Conference on Human Computer Interaction, Cambridge.
Horton, M. & Read, J.C. (2008), Interactive Whiteboards in the Living Room? Asking Children about their Technologies. The 22nd BCS British-HCI 2008, Liverpool, UK.
Kano, A. (2008), MECE Categorisation Method for Typing Errors. The 22nd BCS British-HCI 2008, Liverpool, UK.
BOOK – Markopoulos, P., Read, J. C., MacFarlane, S. J, and J Hoysniemi, (2008) Evaluating Interactive Products with and for Children, San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers
Mazzone, E., Read, J.C. & Beale, R. (2008), Understanding Children’s Contributions during Informant Design. The 22nd BCS British-HCI 2008, Liverpool, UK.
Mazzone, E. (2008), Determining Value in Informant Design with Children. The 22nd BCS British-HCI 2008, Liverpool, UK
Mazzone, E., Read, J.C., Beale, R. (2008) “Design with and for Difficult Teenagers” in Proceedings of the NordiCHI Conference 2008, Lund, Sweden, ACM Press, 290-297.
Mazzone, E., Read, J., Qualter, P., Zioui, L., Gater, C. (2008) “A Computer Game on Emotions for Teenagers Excluded form School”, workshop paper on Marginalised Young People at the Interaction Design and Children Conference 2008, Chicago, USA.
Read, J. C. (2008) “Validating the Fun Toolkit: an instrument for measuring children’s opinions of technology.” Cognition, Technology & Work, Volume 10, Number 2, pp. 119-128(10)
Read, J. C., Markopoulos, P., Pares, N., Hourcade, J P and Antle, A N. (2008): Child Computer Interaction. Special Interest Group (SIG),CHI 2008, pp. 2419-2422.
Read, J. C. Mazzone, E. (2008). MESS days, Interfaces. 74
Read, J.C. (2008), What You See is What You Worry About: Errors — Real and Imagined. The 22nd BCS British-HCI 2008, Liverpool, UK
Xu, D., Read, J. C., Sheehan, R. (2008), In Search of Tangible Magic. The 22nd BCS British-HCI 2008, Liverpool, UK.
Hanif, F., Kumar, A., Willcocks, L., Jolly, E,. Jameson, C., Neville, V., Raaj, K., Goodacre, J. A., Read, J. C., Chaudhry, A., Gibbs, P. (2007)The quality of information about kidney transplantation on the World Wide Web, Clinical Transplantation, Volume 21, Number 3, May/June 2007 , pp. 371-376(6)
Horton, M., J. C. Read and G. Sim (2007). Playing With Words: Evaluating Word processors with Children. Ed Media 2007, Vancouver, CA, AACE.
Kano, A., J. C. Read, A. Dix and I. S. MacKenzie (2007). ExPECT: An expanded error categorization method for text input. British HCI 2007, Lancaster, UK, ACM Press.
Mazzone, E., Xu, D., Read, J. C. (2007), Design in Evaluation: Reflections on Designing for Children�s Technology. The 21st BCS British-HCI 2007, Lancaster, UK.
Markopoulos, P., Read, J. C., MacFarlane, S. J, and J Hoysniemi, Eds (2007) Child Computer Interaction � Research Methodology, Special Edition of Computers Technology and Work
MacKenzie, I. S. and J. C. Read (2007). Using paper Mockups for Evaluating Soft Keyboard Layouts. CASCON 2007, Toronto, CA, IBM Canada Ltd.
Read, J. C. (2007). “A study of the usability of handwriting recognition for text entry by children.” – Interacting with Computers 19 (1)
Read, J. C. (2007). Children using Digital Ink for Writing, Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Pen-Based Learning Technologies (PLT 2007) – Volume 00, IEEE Computer Society
Read, J. C (2007) Text Input for the Young and Old, Text Input Systems: Universality and variety. I. S. MacKenzie and K. Tanaka-Ishii (Eds) San Francisco: Morgan Kauffmann Publishers
Read. J. C. (2007) Wizard of Oz Studies, Handbook of Research on User Interface Design and Evaluation for Mobile Technology, J. Lumsden (Ed) Idea Group
Xu, D., J. C. Read, et al. (2007), Evaluation of Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) for and with Children � Methods and Challenges. HCI International 2007, Beijing, China
Xu, D., J. C. Read, et al. (2007), Designing and Testing a Tangible Interface Prototype. 6th International Conference for Interaction Design and Children, IDC 07, Aalborg, Denmark.
Xu, D., (2007), Doctoral Consortium: Design and Evaluation of Tangible Interfaces for Primary School Children. 6th International Conference for Interaction Design and Children, IDC 07, Aalborg, Denmark
Beale, R., Engelfield, P, Read, J. C. and W Wong, Eds. (2006) HCI Educators ‘The Yellow Book’, Proceedings HCIE2006, London, UK
Hvannberg, E. T., J. C. Read, L. Bannon, P. Kotzé and W. Wong, Eds. (2006). Inventivity: Teaching theory, design and innovation in HCI,Proceedings HCIEd2006
Kano, A., Read, J. C, and A, Dix (2006) Children’s Phrase Set for Text Input Method Evaluations. Proceedings of the Fourth Nordic Conference on Human Computer Interaction – NordiChi 2006
Kelly, S. R., Mazzone, E., Horton, M. and J. C. Read (2006) Bluebells: A Design Method for Child-Centred Product Development.Proceedings of the Fourth Nordic Conference on Human Computer Interaction � NordiChi 2006
Read, J. C., Markopoulos, P., Par�s , N., Hourcade J. P., Antle, A. N. (2008). Child Computer Interaction, CHI2008, Florence, Italy., ACM Press
Read, J. C. and M. Horton (2006). When Teenagers Type, HCI2006, London, UK
Read, J. C., S. R. Kelly and S. Birkett (2006). How Satisfying is Gaze Tracking for Children? Gaze Tracking Workshop, CHI 2006, Montreal, Ca.
Read, J. C. and S. J. MacFarlane (2006). Using the Fun Toolkit and Other Survey Methods to Gather Opinions in Child Computer Interaction. Interaction Design and Children, IDC2006, Tampere, Finland, ACM Press.
Read, J. C., S. J. MacFarlane, S. R. Kelly, E. Mazzone and M. Horton (2006). The ChiCI Group. CHI2006, Montreal, Ca, ACM Press.
Read. J. C., and I. S. MacKenzie (2006). HCI Comes Alive with the Keyboard. HCIEducators Workshop, London, UK
Read, J. C., S. R. Kelly and G. Sim (2006). ‘In it to win it – at it to get it’ Low – tech interactions for motivation and Learning in HCI.HCIEd2006 Limerick, Ireland.
Sim, G., S. J. MacFarlane and J. C. Read (2006). “All work and no play: Measuring fun, usability, and learning in software for children.”Computers and Education 46(3): 235 – 248.
Sim, G., J. C. Read and P. Holifield (2006a). Evaluating the User Experience in CAA Environments, what affects user satisfaction. CAA 2006, Warwick, UK.
Sim, G., J. C. Read and P. Holifield (2006b). Using Heuristics to Evaluate a Computer Assisted Assessment Environment. Ed Media 2006, Florida, USA.
Xu, D., (2006), Doctoral Consortium: Design and Evaluation of Tangible Interfaces for Children. The 20th BCS British-HCI 2006, London, UK
Xu, D., Mazzone,E., MacFarlane, S. (2006), In Search of Evaluation Methods for Children’s Tangible Technology. 5th International Conference for Interaction Design and Children, IDC 06, Tampere, Finland
Xu, D., J. C. Read, E. Mazzone, S. J. MacFarlane and M. Brown (2007). Evaluation of Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) for and with Children – Methods and Challenges. HCII 2007, Beijing, Springer.
Gregory, P. and Read, J. C. (2001), Web based Maths – A Comparison of Different Approaches to using Web Page Development for Learning, 2nd Annual Conference of the LTSN Centre for Information and Computer Science,pp.60-64, North London.
MacFarlane, S., Sim, G., Horton, M.(2005), Assessing Usability and Fun in Educational Software. IDC2005, pp.103-109, Boulder, CO, USA.
Mazzone, E., Horton, M., Read, J. (2004), Requirements for a Multimedia Museum Environment, NordiCHI’04, pp.412-424, Tampere, Finland, ACM.
Nicol, A. (2004), Using Speech Recognition for Child Computer Interaction When Developing Software for Young Children. HCI2004: Design for Life, Leeds, England, Research Press International.
Nicol, A. and C. Casey (2002), Interface Design for Infant Children: A Case Study in Literacy. Interaction Design and Children 2002, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Nicol, A., C. Casey, et al. (2002), Children are Ready for Speech Technology – but is the Technology Ready for Them? Interaction Design and Children 2002, Eindhoven,The Netherlands.
Nicol, A. and L. Snape (2003), A computer based letter formation system for children. Interaction Design and Children 2003, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, England, Child Computer Interaction Group.
Nicol, T., Read, J., MacFarlane, S. (2005), Improving Speech Recognition in a Listening Interface for Young Children. HCI2005, Vol 2, p77-
Read, J. (2002), Optimising Text Input for Young Children using Computers for Creative Writing Tasks. HCI 2002, London, England.
Read, J. C. (2004), Reading, Reflection, and the Toolkit Approach, HCIE2004, Preston, UK.
Read, J. C. (2005), The Usability of Digital Ink Technologies for Children and Teenagers. HCI2005, Edinburgh, Scotland, Springer.
Read, J. C. and Gregory, P. (2001), Using Groupwise to Stimulate Academic Discussion with Computing Students, 2nd Annual Conference of LTSN, Centre for Information and Computer Science, London, England.
Read, J. and Gregory, P. (2002), FleSCA – Flexible Student Centred Assessment. LTSN 3rd AnnualConference, Loughborough, England.
Read, J. C., Gregory, P., MacFarlane, S. J., McManus, B., Gray, P. and Patel, R. (2002), An Investigation of Participatory Design with Children – Informant, Balanced and Facilitated Design, Interaction Design and Children, pp.53-64, Ed. Bekker, M. M., Markopoulos, P. and Kersten-Tsikalkina, M., Maastricht, Shaker.
Read, J. C., Gregory, A. J., Taylor, K. and Sim, G. (2003), FlesCA – A la carte assessment, 4th Annual LTSN-ICS Conference, Galway, Eire.
Read, J. and Horton, M. (2004), Demonstrating CobWeb – An Innovative Writing Environment for Children. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Lugano, Switzerland, AACE.
Read, J. and Horton, M. (2004), The Usability of Digital tools in the Primary Writing Classroom. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Lugano, Switzerland, AACE.
Read, J., Horton, M., Mazzone, E. (2005), The Design of Digital Tools for the Primary Writing Classroom, World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Montreal, Canada.
Read, J. C., MacFarlane, S. J., and Casey, C. (2001), Measuring the Usability of Text Input Methods for Children, HCI2001, Lille, France, Springer-Verlag 2001.
Read, J., MacFarlane, S. and Casey, C. (2002), Endurability, Engagement and Expectations: Measuring Children’s Fun. Interaction Design and Children, Eindhoven, Shaker Publishing.
Read, J., MacFarlane, S. and Casey, C. (2002), Oops! Silly me! Errors in a Handwriting Recognition-based Text entry Interface for Children.NordiCHI 2002, Aarhus, Denmark, ACM Press.
Read, J., MacFarlane, S. and Casey, C. (2002), Pens Behaving badly – Usability of Pens and Graphics Tablets for Text Entry with Children.ACM UIST’02, Paris, France.
Read, J. C., MacFarlane, S. J., and Casey, C. (2003), A comparison of two on-line handwriting recognition methods for unconstrained text entry by children, HCI2003, Bath, England.
Read, J. C., MacFarlane, S. J., and Casey, C. (2003), What’s going on? : Discovering what Children Understand about Handwriting Recognition Interfaces, IDC2003, Preston, England.
Read, J. C., MacFarlane, S. J., and Casey, C. (2003),’Good Enough for What?’ Acceptance of Handwriting Recognition Errors by Child Users, IDC2003, Preston, England.
Read, J. C., MacFarlane, S. J., and Casey, C. (2004), CobWeb – a handwriting recognition based writing environment for children, EARLI SIG Writing, Geneva.
Read, J. C., MacFarlane, S. J., and Gregory, P. (2004), Requirements for the Design of a Handwriting Recognition based Writing Interface for Children, IDC2004, Maryland, USA.
Read, J. C., MacFarlane, S. J., and Horton, M. (2004), The Usability of Handwriting Recognition for Writing in the Primary Classroom,HCI2004, Leeds, UK.
Read, J., MacFarlane, S., Kelly, R., Mazzone, E., Horton, M. (2006),The ChiCI Group, submitted to HCI Overview at CHI2006, Montreal, Canada.
Read, J., Mazzone, E., Horton, M. (2005), Recognition Errors and Recognizing Errors – Children Writing on the Tablet PC, Tenth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Rome, Italy.
Read, J. C., Mazzone, E., and Horton, M. (2005), Recognition Errors and Recognizing Errors – Children Writing on the Tablet PC. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: 1096 – 1099.
Read, J., Mazzone, E., and Höysniemi, J. (2005), Wizard of Oz Evaluations with Children – Deception and Discovery, Interaction Design and Children 2005, Colorado, USA.
Read, J. C., Sim, G., Gregory, P. and Taylor, K. (2004), Using a Web Based Tool to Innovate Assessment Practices, EDMEDIA2004, Geneva, Switzerland.
Sim, G. and Horton, M. (2005), Performance and Attitude of Children in Computer Based Versus Paper Based Testing, World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Montreal.
Sim, G., MacFarlane, S., and Horton, M. (2005), Evaluating usability, fun and learning in educational software for children, World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Montreal.
Sim, G., MacFarlane, S., and Read, J. (2006), All Work and No Play: Measuring Fun, Usability, and Learning in Software for Children, Accepted for publication in Computers and Education Journal.
Snape, L., C. Casey, et al. (1997), Using Speech in Multimedia Applications, TCD Conference on Multimedia.
Snape, L., Casey, C., MacFarlane, S.J., and Robertson, I. (1997), Using Speech in Multimedia Applications, TCD Conference on Multimedia, Vol 7(7) Teaching Company Scheme Directorate Seminar Proceedings, pp50-60, ISBN 1-901255-08-5.
Snape, L. (1999) SPEL – System for Phonic Early Learning, International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. INTERACT ’99 Vol 1(12), pp694-695, ISBN 0-9673355-0-7.
Xu, Dongjie. (2003), Multimedia Software to Motivate Ethnic Minority Children to Learn about Their Culture and Language of Origin,Interaction Design and Children 2003, Preston, UK.
Xu, Dongjie. (2005), Using MCAI to Arouse Interest of British Children of Chinese origin in Learning Mandarin. Journal of Overseas Chinese Education, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp. 48-53, China.
Xu, Dongji. and Nicholson, I. (2005), Harmonious Interface Design, British HCI Conference 2005, Proceedings, pp. 58 – 62, ACM Press.
Danino, N. and Mazzone, E. (2004), The Challenges of Mobile Computing in Education: a survey of the primary issues, at the 7th HCI Educators Workshop, Preston, 36-40.
Fano, F., Mazzone, E., Toccafondi, G., and Torsi, S. (2005), Tasting the Wine Culture: the Design of an Experience, at 1 st International Workshop “Re-Thinking Technology in Museums”, Limerick, Ireland.
Höysniemi, J and Read, J. C (2005), Wizard of Oz Studies with Children, Workshop on Child Computer Interaction: Methodological Research at Interact 2005, Rome, Italy.
Kano, A., (2005), Evaluating Phrase Sets for Use with Text Entry Method Evaluation with Dyslexic Participants, Workshop on Improving and Assessing Pen-Based Input Techniques at British HCI 2005, Edinburgh, England.
Kano, A. and Read, J.C (2005), Doing Girly Stuff in Semi structured Design Activities – and the Point is?, Workshop on Child Computer Interaction: Methodological Research at Interact 2005, Rome, Italy.
MacFarlane, S. and Pasiali, A. (2005), Adapting the Heuristic Evaluation Method for Use with Children. In Workshop on Child Computer Interaction: Methodological Research at Interact 2005, Rome, Italy.
Mazzone, E., Kelly, R., and Xu, Diana. (2005), Studying children’s interactions with tangible devices: How will the video help?, Workshop on Child Computer Interaction: Methodological Research at INTERACT 2005 Conference, Rome, Italy.
Read, J. C. (2005) On the application of text input metrics to handwritten text input, Text Input Workshop, Dagstuhl., Germany.
Read J. C and Fine, K (2005), Using Survey Methods for Design and Evaluation in Child Computer Interaction. Workshop on Child Computer Interaction: Methodological Research at Interact 2005, Rome, Italy.
Xu, Diana., Mazzone, E., and MacFarlane, S. (2005), Informant Design with Children – Designing Children’s Tangible Technology, 1st International Workshop:”Re-Thinking Technology in Museums”, Limerick, Ireland.
Gregory, P. and Read, J. C. (2001), Positive perspectives – using web page development to change student attitudes to learning maths, Presentation at Computers and Learning, Warwick, UK.
Nicol, A. and C. Casey (2003), CAL interface design for young children: a case study in literacy. CAL ’03, Belfast, NI.
Read, J. C. and Gregory, P. (2002), Peer Mentoring for Computing Undergraduates, Presentation at the LTSN – ICS Student Support Seminar, Preston, England.
Read, J. and MacFarlane, S. (2000), Measuring Fun – Usability Testing for Children. Computers and Fun 3, York, England, BCS HCI Group.
Read, J. C., MacFarlane, S. J., and Casey, C. (2000), Where’s the ‘M’ on the keyboard Mummy?, Womens Engineering Society, Preston, UK.
Read, J. C., MacFarlane, S. J., and Casey, C. (2001), Expectations and Edurability – Measuring Fun, Computers and Fun 4, York, UK 2001.
Read, J.C., MacFarlane, S.J., and Casey, C. (2001), Can Natural Language recognition technologies be used to enhance the learning experience of young children?, Computers and Learning, Warwick, UK 2001.
Read, J. C., MacFarlane, S. J. and Casey, C. (2001), Expectations and Endurability – Measuring Fun, Presentation at Computers and Fun 4, York, England. Slides from FUN2001.
Read, J., MacFarlane, S. and Casey, C. (2002), Designing a Handwriting Recognition Based Writing Environment for Children. 8th International EARLI SIG Writing Conference, Staffordshire, England.
Sim, G., MacFarlane, S.J. & Read, J.C. (2005), All work and no play: Measuring the effects of fun on learning in software for children.CAL’05 Virtual Learning, Bristol.
Mazzone, E., Read, J. (2005), Not just bits of paper – design sessions with children, Journal of the Department of Computing, Issue n.4, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK.
Nicol, A. (2002), Help! What do I do now? Interactive Help for Young Children – A Case Study, Comp@uclan, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, England.
Nicol, A., C. Casey, et al. (2002), Interface Design for Infant Children: A Case Study in Literacy. Comp@uclan, Penrith, England.
Read, J. C. (2002), How Close is close enough? – A discussion of effectiveness metrics for recognition-based computer systems. Paper presented at UCLan Department of Computing Conference (Sept 2002), Preston, England.
Read, J. C (2003), Designing Evaluations to Evaluate Designs, Paper presented at UCLan Department of Computing Conference (May 2003), Preston, England.
Read, J. C. (2005), Deceit, Distortion and Decision – Choosing Phrase Sets for Text Entry Research, Comp@uclan, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, England.
Read, J. C., C. Casey, S. MacFarlane (2003), A Fine-Grained Approach to Evaluating Recognition Erorrs When Using Handwritten Text Input Designing Evaluations to Evaluate Designs,Comp@uclan, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, England. [PDF]
Read, J. and S. MacFarlane (2002), Fun as a Usability Metric, Comp@uclan, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, Lancashire.
Read, J., S. MacFarlane, et al. (2002), Measuring the Effectiveness of Recognition Based Interfaces, Comp@uclan, Penrith, England.
Read, J., S. MacFarlane, et al. (2002), Modelling Disobedient Interfaces. Comp@uclan, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, England.
Read, J. C., MacFarlane, S. J. and Casey, C. (2001) Describing disobedient interfaces, Paper presented at UCLan Department of Computing Conference, Preston, England.
Xu, Diana. (2005), Tangible User Interface for Children – An Overview at UCLAN Department of Computing Conference, Preston, UK.
Read, J. C. (2003), Reflections on the State of HCI as it Reaches 17, Interface September 2003.
Read, J. C. (2005), The ABC of CCI. in Interfaces 62: 8 – 9.
Read, J. C. (2005), Simply the best – Gorgeousness in the user interface, Interface April 2005
Read, J. C. (2005), Change, Caps Lock and creativity. Interfaces 63: 10.
Read, J. and Horton, M. (2004). The Possibilities for Digital tools for Writing. Learning Technology Newsletter 6(4), October 2004 p42-43
Danino, N., and MacFarlane, S.J. (2000), Can we make the World Wide Web Accessible to Everyone?, Poster presented at HCI2000, Sunderland, UK 2000.
Danino, N., and MacFarlane, S.J. (2001), Images on the web: A Suitable Alternative, Poster presented at IHM/HCI2001, Lille, France 2001.
Gregory, P. and Read, J. C. (2000), Making Maths Matter: Using Active Learning to improve Student Motivation, Poster presented at 1st Annual Conference of the LTSN Centre for Information and Computer Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh,,LTSN-ICS, pp. 146.
Gregory, P.and Read, J. C.(2002), Keeping students Afloat – Strategies to Support Study, Poster presented at 3rd Annual Conference of LTS Centre for Information and Computer Science, Loughborough, England.
Gregory, P. and Read, J. C. (2003), What makes them stay? The Survivors’ Tale, Poster presented at 4th Annual Conference of LTSN Centre for Information and Computer Science , Galway, Eire.
Read, J. C. (2005), When Worlds Collide – Digital Ink and the QWERTY Keyboard. Less is More, Cambridge, UK, Microsoft.
Read, J. C. and Gregory, P. (2002), FleSCA – Flexible Student Centred Assessment, Poster presented at 3rd Annual Conference of LTSN Centre for Information and Computer Science, Loughborough, England.
Read, J. C. and Gregory, P. (2003), The How Can I (HCI) Toolkit, Poster presented at 4th Annual Conference of LTSN Centre for Information and Computer Science, Galway, Eire.
Read, J. C., MacFarlane, S. J. and Casey, C. (2000), ‘Postcards to Grandad’- A study of Handwriting Recognition with Young Children, Poster presented at HCI 2000, Sunderland, England,, Vol. 2 51-52. Paper from HCI2000.
Read, J., MacFarlane, S. and Casey, C. (2001), Can Natural Language Recognition Technologies be used to Enhance the Learning Experience of Young Children? Poster presented atComputers and Learning 2001, Warwick, UK.
Read, J. C., MacFarlane, S. J. and Casey, C. (2002), Pens Behaving Badly – Usability of Pens and Graphics Tablets for Text Entry with Children, Poster at ACM UIST02, Paris, France.
Read, J. C., MacFarlane, S. J. and Casey, C. (2003), ‘Good enough for what?’ Acceptance of Handwriting Recognition Errors by Child Users. Poster presented at the International Design and Children Conference, Preston, England.
Snape, L., Nicol, T. and, MacFarlane, S. (2003), Phonics for Young Children: a Computer Based Approach, Poster in Proceedings ofInteraction Design and Children 2003, New York: ACM, 157.
Höysniemi, J. and Read, J. C. (2005), Wizard of Oz with Children – ethical dilemmas and experiences from the field, IDC2005, Boulder, Colorado.
MacFarlane, S., Nicol, T., Read, J. and Snape, L. (Eds) (2003), Small Users Big Ideas: Proceedings of Interaction Design and Children 2003, New York: ACM.
MacFarlane, S. J., Read, J.C., Höysniemi, J. and Markopoulos, P. (2003), Evaluating Interactive Products for and with Children; Tutorial presented at Interact 2003, Zurich, Switzerland.
MacFarlane, S. J., Read, J.C., Höysniemi, J. and Markopoulos, P. (2004), Evaluating Interactive Products for and with Children; Tutorial presented at CHI2004, Vienna, Austria.
MacFarlane, S. J., Read, J.C., Höysniemi, J. and Markopoulos, P. (2004), Evaluating Interactive Products for and with Children; Tutorial presented at IDC2004, Maryland, USA.
MacFarlane, S., J. Read, J. Höysniemi and P. Markopoulos (2004), Tutorial: Evaluating Interactive Products for and with Children. HCI2004, Leeds, UK.
Markopoulos, P., Höysniemi, J., Read, J., and MacFarlane, S. (2005), Workshop: Child Computer Interaction: Methodological Research. In Buono, P., Costabile, M. F., Paternó, F., Santoro, C. I, (Eds.) Interact’05 Communicating Naturally with Computers, Adunct Proceedings, Edizioni Giuseppe Laterza, p95-96.
McManus, B. and Read, J. (2004), 7th Educators Workshop: Effective Teaching and Training in University of Central Lancashire, LTSN Press. ISBN: 0954192753.
Read, J. C. and Gray, P. (2005), Workshop:Improving and Assessing Pen-Based Input Techniques. HCI2005, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Read, J. and J. Höysniemi (2004), Wizard of Oz Evaluations: Safe and Sound, Tutorial delivered at NordiCHI 2004, Tampere, Finland.
MacFarlane, S. (2006), Working Ethically in Research with Children, EDean UK Workshop: The Practical Application of Ethical Guidelines for Participative Research, Hendon, Jan 23.
Read, J. C. (2001), Research with children. Seminar presented to staff and students at UCLAN, Preston, UK.
Read, J. (2004), Children evaluating and designing their own technologies – what can we learn about age and gender stereotypes? Presented at Digiplay 3 seminar, Preston.