Week 1: Introduction to the project
Week 2: Background on trees and deciding where to put the sensors
Week 3: Introducing the sensing tech and designing the housings 1
Week 4: Engaging with primary schools 1
Week 5: Introduction to programming and engaging with primary schools 2
Week 6: Making sense of data 1
Week 7: Making sense of data 2
Week 8: Designing the housings 2
Week 9: Engaging with primary schools 3
Week 10: Making sense of data 3 and prototyping the housings
Week 11: Assembling the Tech and the housings
Week 12 – Deploying Housing in Trees for Testing
Week 13: Retrieving the housings and checking the data
Battery – https://www.anker.com/ca/products/variant/powercore-26800/A1277011
Enviro+ – https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/enviro?variant=31155658457171
Pariculate Matter Sensor – https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/pms5003-particulate-matter-sensor-with-cable
Header Extension – https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/40-pin-gpio-extension-cable